Slime | noob | |
Goblin | ATK5 Weaknesses: | |
Killer Bee | ATK5 Weaknesses: | |
Dryas | ATK5 Weaknesses: | |
Slime Girl | ATK5 Weaknesses: | |
Morbol | ATK10 | |
Succubus | ATK20 | |
Grim Reaper | Appears when you have Black: HP halved / White: forced HP 1 * Defeated when HP is 1 |
Ruffians(weak) | ATK10 If you pay the toll, they'll let you through. | |
Ruffians(strong) | ATK20 If you pay the toll, they'll let you through. | |
Vampires | Become stronger by the value \nof temporarily increasing \nATK/MAG/CHA | |
Strange egg | Become stronger by the amount \nof ATK/MAG/CHA temporarily lowered | |
mimic | The enemy lurking in the treasure chest | |
king mimic | The enemy lurking in the treasure chest | |
Anti-ATK | High ATK makes you stronger. | |
Anti-MAG | High MAG makes you stronger. | |
Anti-CHA | High CHA makes you stronger. | |
Anti-status | Takes damage equal to the difference between the maximum and minimum ATK/MAG/CHA values. |
Magic Eater | I love magic stones. | |
Energy Eater | Sucks up ATK/MAG/CHA abilities | |
Satan | ATK50 | |
Slime King | ATK100 You can defeat \nit with a magic stone | |
Devil | ATK100 Just pay the GOLD \nand they'll let you through | |
Precia | ATK50 Can be passed \nwith magic stones or GOLD | |
Excited tentacles | +1 However, defeat at 10 or more | |
Mad tentacles | +1 However, defeat at 10 or more | |
Nasty tentacles1 | +1 However, defeat at 10 or more | |
Nasty tentacles2 | +1 However, defeat at 10 or more |